Below are examples of graphic design created for social media and podcast album covers.
GOAL: The client, Pacific Crossroads Church, required a music album cover that expressed the idea of music inspired by scripture which in turn was inspired by God that could be used digitally, across social media platforms, banners, as well as potentially printed.
The music in this album relies on scripture to communicate it’s message of inspiration instead of a trendy hook. Scripture is more than simple vocabulary on a page, but the 'Word of God'. The scriptural lyrics allow one to reflect on God's words in a manner that can be repeated easily, so one can get to know God’s love in a way that could have been easily overlooked in a rushed first ‘read’. The concept was to challenge the viewer to look beyond the simple type on a page toward the inspiration behind the words themselves.
The client had already named the title 'God With Us' and so a concept had to be developed around this subject before design started. The concept that was agreed upon was one where we can see the 'handprints' of God in the details all around us. For instance, it could be the intricacy of the layers of bark on a tree, uniqueness of handprints, the veiny structures of a leaf, or that God becoming human in Jesus.